10 Ways To Make Him Beg For Your Attention Again

Ways To Make Him Beg For Your Attention Again

There are many reasons why someone might want to make their partner beg for their attention.

Maybe they feel neglected and unimportant, or maybe they simply want to spice up the relationship.

Whatever the reason may be, there are a few key ways to go about making your partner beg for your attention again.

One way to do this is by pulling back on the amount of attention you give them.

If you are always available and always ready to lend a listening ear, try taking a step back and being less available.

This will make them appreciate you more when you do give them your time and attention.

Another way to get your partner begging for your attention is by flirting with other people in front of them.

This will create a sense of jealousy and insecurity that will make them want to fight for your attention.

If you really want to drive the point home, try talking about other people who have caught your eye – this will definitely make them beg for your attention!

10 Ways To Make Him Beg For Your Attention Again

Wondering what you can do to make him beg for your attention again? Read below about the ways to make him beg for your attention.

Start with small things

One way to make him beg for your attention again is to start with small things.

For example, when you’re texting or talking on the phone, try not to monopolize the conversation. Let him talk too.

This will show that he’s important to you and that you’re willing to listen.

Another way to make him beg for your attention is to give him compliments. Tell him how smart he is.

This will make him feel good about himself and might even help rekindle a lost interest in you.

Make your presence known

When you are in a relationship, it is important to make your presence known to your partner. This will let them know that you are still interested in them and that you still care about the relationship.

There are many ways to make your presence known, but here are a few of the most effective ways:

1. Send Them A Text: A simple text message can go a long way in letting your partner know that you are thinking about them. It doesn’t have to be anything fancy, just a quick “I love you” or “I miss you” will do the trick.

2. Give Them A Call: Sometimes a phone call is even better than a text message because it shows that you took the time to actually call them instead of just sending a quick text. Just hearing your voice will definitely make your partner feel special and loved.

3. Spend Time With Them: If you can, try to spend some quality time with your partner. This could mean going on a date night or even just taking a walk together. Quality time is always appreciated and it will definitely make your partner feel more connected to you.

4. Compliment Them: Compliments are always nice to hear, so why not give one to your partner? Tell them how much you appreciate them or how lucky you feel to be with them. Compliments will definitely make your partner feel good about themselves and the relationship.

Be assertive

If you want to make your man beg for your attention again, then you need to be assertive.

This means that you need to be confident and take charge in the relationship. You need to be the one who is setting the pace and making things happen.

This doesn’t mean that you should be bossy or controlling, but you should definitely be the one who is leading the way.

One way to be assertive is to intimacy more often. This will let your man know that you are still interested in him and that you are willing to take things to the next level.

Another way to be assertive is to set boundaries with him. If he is doing something that bothers you, then speak up and tell him what you want.

Finally, don’t hesitate to say no if he asks you to do something that you’re not comfortable with.

Be playful

One way to make him beg for your attention again is to be playful. Playfulness can be expressed in a variety of ways, and it can be very effective in getting him to pay attention to you.

One way to be playful is to tease him. Teasing can involve making fun of him or using lighthearted language that makes him feel good.

It can also involve playing hard to get, or doing something that he wants but doesn’t expect. This will make him want to win your affection more than ever.

Another way to be playful is to show interest in the things that he loves. This can range from listening carefully when he talks about his favorite sports teams or music, to taking an interest in his hobbies and interests.

By showing genuine interest, you will give him the impression that you care about him and are interested in what he has to say.

In addition, being playful can help you build a stronger relationship with him.

When you are playful with him, it shows that you value and care about him as a person. This will make him feel more valued and loved, which will in turn make him more likely to beg for your attention.

Be honest

One of the best ways to make him beg for your attention again is to be honest with him.

If you are not happy with how things are going between you two, be honest about it. This will likely shock him and make him want to fix things.

Another way to make him beg for your attention is to be direct. Tell him what you want and what you expect from him.

Be clear about what you need and don’t hold back. This will help to put things in perspective for him and may result in a more satisfying relationship.

Show appreciation

If you want to make your partner beg for your attention again, show them appreciation.

This will show them that you care about them and that you want to be with them. There are many ways to show appreciation for your partner.

You can simply say thank you for something they have done or tell them how much you appreciate them.

You can also act out the way you feel grateful for their presence in your life.

For instance, cook them dinner or buy them a gift. Whatever way you choose to express your appreciation, make sure it is genuine and heartfelt. 

Make time for intimacy

One way to get your boyfriend or husband back into your life is to make time for intimacy.

This might mean taking a break from work and spending the evening at home with him.

It might also mean spending more time cuddling and kissing him. The key is to make sure that you are putting in the effort, and that you are taking the time to show him how important he is to you.

Another way to make him beg for your attention again is to change up your routine.

If you always spend your weekends out with friends, try spending them at home instead. Or, if you always stay in on Saturdays, try going out on Sundays.

The key is to stay unpredictable and keep him guessing as to what will happen next. He won’t be able to resist coming back to you if he doesn’t know what’s waiting for him.

Give compliments often

One way to make your man beg for your attention again is to give him compliments often.

Compliments are a great way to show him that you appreciate him and that you are interested in his thoughts and feelings.

Compliments also make him feel good, which will make him want to spend more time with you. 

If you are struggling to come up with compliments, try thinking of things that you appreciate about him.

For example, if he is a great listener, tell him that you appreciate his ability to listen attentively.

If he is always organized and has everything under control, tell him that you appreciate how well he manages his time.

Whatever you do, make sure that your compliments are genuine and not motivated by anything other than admiration for him.

Take care of yourself first

One of the most important things you can do to make him beg for your attention again is to take care of yourself.

This means not spending all your time with him, going out with him all the time, or hanging out with him in general.

If you’re going to be spending time with him, make sure it’s quality time and not just quantity time.

Another way to take care of yourself is to stay away from alcohol and drugs.

These substances will only make you more tired and irritable. They will also make it harder for you to focus on anything else.

If you need to take a break from your partner, do it without using drugs or alcohol as crutches.

Finally, don’t be too hard on yourself when things don’t go well with your partner.

It’s natural for relationships to have ups and downs, but always remember that you’re not the only one who’s affected by them.

Try not to take things personally and remember that he might be feeling a lot of emotions right now.

Let him know what you need and want

One way to make him beg for your attention again is to let him know what you need and want.

This will help him to understand how he can help you. For example, if you need someone to do something for you, tell him exactly what you want them to do. This will help him to be more organized and efficient.

Give him some general instructions. For example, tell him how much time you would like him to spend on a task or what the results should look like.

This will give him a clear understanding of what he needs to do and will make it easier for him to follow your instructions.


If you’re looking for ways to make him beg for your attention again, then this article is for you.

We’ve compiled a list of tips and tricks that will have him eating out of the palm of your hand in no time.

From playing hard to get to being a little more mysterious, there are plenty of things you can do to keep his interest piqued.

So what are you waiting for? Get started today and see how easy it is to make him beg for your attention again.

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