Are you a daughter or granddaughter of a narcissistic mother? If so, you may struggle with some of the following ten symptoms. While it’s true that narcissistic mothers can exhibit any of the behaviors below, some appear more often than others. In this blog post, we’ll explore these symptoms in more detail. Keep reading to learn more!
Symptoms of Daughters of Narcissistic Mothers
Narcissistic parents can have short-term and long-term influences on their daughters.
1. You believe you can belong only if you abide by the rules.
To some, belonging to a group can be a source of comfort. It can provide a sense of community and support. However, if you believe that you can’t belong to a group unless you adhere to the group’s rules, then you may have a problem. This type of thinking may lead to isolation and dissatisfaction. If you rely on rules to determine who you are and what you can and can’t do, you may find that you’re not able to grow and develop as a person.
2. You consider love as conditional.
“The love grows out of something. It might be respect, admiration, sexual attraction, or intimacy. But it grows out of something.”
If you are not dating such a person then you are lucky. As important as it is to find someone to love and to fall in love with, it is not as important to find your soul mate. Soul mates are special in that they are made for each other. They complete each other. You don’t have to make a soul mate out of someone. You are not a magician. But it is often a lot harder to watch love pass you by than to try and make a relationship work.
If you grew up around narcissistic parents it would be natural for you to crave validation and attention from others.
– You have learned that loving and being loved is a two way street. Usually when someone loves us it makes us happy and when someone loves us it makes them feel good too.
– You have learned that love is a reciprocal relationship. You don’t expect people to love you just because you are you.
– You have learned that love is a two way street. You don’t expect people to love you just because you are you.
– You have learned not to set your expectations too high.
3. You give more importance to appearances.
If you grew up with a narcissistic mother, you may have developed a tendency to value appearances and disdain others. You may have developed a fear of being rejected because you felt your mother never accepted you. Or perhaps you developed an adolescent fear of being thought of as “fat” or “ugly” because your mother always put you down.
If your mother was narcissistic, you may have a tendency to put yourself down too because you are afraid of being criticized or rejected. You may wonder if other people are judging you all the time. You put on a good front, but you constantly feel like you are not good enough.
This is particularly difficult to deal with when you have children of your own. Perhaps you tried to pass along your mother’s obsessions with your own children, telling them that they were beautiful when they just weren’t. Perhaps you criticized them when they didn’t look good enough. Or perhaps you became very critical when your own children messed up their hair or had too much makeup on.
If you are afraid that people will always judge you harshly, you may develop body dysmorphia. Body dysmorphia is an eating disorder where a person feels too fat or too ugly. He or she considers himself or herself to be ugly and unhealthy, even though he or she isn’t.
4. You accept narcissistic abuse and manipulation as normal.
_The reality is that narcissists are masters at manipulation, deceit, and lies. They are experts at gaslighting and making your trust difficult to break. There is a reason why they hide behind their computer screens instead of coming right out and telling you how horrible you are. They know how destructive their words can be._
5. You blame yourself when anything goes wrong.
The victims of narcissistic mothers often feel that they are to blame for the abuse that they suffered. They blame themselves for the narcissistic parents’ unhappiness and seek to improve their parent’s quality of life. They see themselves as interfering with their narcissistic parents’ happiness, and they feel guilty over this.
The adult offspring of narcissistic parents tends to blame himself for the narcissistic parents’ unhappiness. He has difficulty accepting that his parents’ unhappiness is due to the fact that they have a personality disorder. He feels responsible for fixing his parents’ problems, and he takes this as a sign that his own life is imperfect.
These daughters also tend to feel guilty when they disagree with the narcissistic parents. If there is a disagreement, the daughters feel as if they have disappointed their narcissistic mothers. These daughters often take the blame for everything, even when it is not their fault. They feel guilty for disagreeing with their narcissistic parents.
These daughters also blame themselves if their mothers’ are unhappy. They fear becoming like their mothers, and they do not want to become like their mothers. These daughters fear that their mothers will be unhappy with them, and they worry that their mothers might leave. These daughters often feel as though they are responsible for their mothers’ happiness.
These daughters also feel responsible for fixing their mothers’ problems. They feel that it is their responsibility to make their mothers happy, and they wonder what they can do to make their mothers happy.
6. You always try to please others.
Living with an individual who is difficult to please is exhausting. You become adept at making others happy or saying things that please them.
The outcome is that you end up losing yourself along the way. You become the one who looks out for others instead of yourself.
People with narcissistic tendencies are often difficult to live with, and, for daughters, living with a narcissistic mother can be hurtful. You not only lose yourself in the relationship, but also your identity.
A daughter’s identity is impacted by her mother’s personality. Some mothers have an influence on their daughters, which enhances their sense of identity.
For others, the opposite is true.
Daughters of narcissistic mothers generally have difficulty forming their own identity. They tend to take on their mother’s personality characteristics, such as competitiveness or low self-esteem.
As a mother, you have a critical influence on the well-being of your daughters. You have the ability to shape your daughters’ sense of identity by crafting an environment filled with love and acceptance.
If your daughters live with a narcissistic mother’s, they will likely struggle to develop a strong sense of identity. They will likely lose themselves within the relationship, trying to please their mother.
As you work to build a strong relationship with your daughters, look for ways to encourage them and affirm them. When daughters feel loved and accepted, they are more likely to develop a strong sense of identity.
7. You will continue to chase love all your life.
7. You will continue to chase love all your life.
Daughters of narcissistic mothers are taught to run and love.
Narcissistic parents tend to excuse their children’s actions, which explains why narcissists never feel guilt or remorse. These parents also tend to be very selfish and often leave their daughters to believe that it is the child’s fault that the relationship failed. These parents cause their child to feel guilty and ashamed of her circumstances, which only diminishes her self-worth.
As the child grows up, she begins to rely on her narcissistic parent to meet her emotional needs. This reliance causes the child to continuously look outside of herself for the love that she never received. Thus, the child is unable to be independent, and she will be unable to sustain a healthy relationship.
8. You are always seeking validation.
If you are always seeking validation from others and find it difficult to trust yourself, you may have a narcissistic mother. While these mothers are most often loving and nurturing towards you, they have an underlying need to impress you, making you the centre of their attention.
Daughters of narcissistic mothers often feel unheard and underappreciated, and this creates a cycle of self-doubt and low self-esteem. Daughters of narcissistic mothers often struggle with their confidence and self-worth, finding it difficult to trust their own judgement.
Daughters of narcissistic mothers also struggle with assertiveness and self-esteem, finding it difficult to stand up for themselves and stand up for themselves.
Daughters of narcissistic mothers often feel like they’re walking on eggshells, waiting for their narcissistic mothers to explode with anger.
Daughters of narcissistic mothers often struggle to understand their feelings of anger towards their mothers – and are often told to be ‘nicer’.
Daughters of narcissistic mothers are often encouraged to be charming and polite in order to get their own way.
Daughters of narcissistic mothers often struggle to cope with their emotions, feeling confused, overwhelmed, and confused.
9. You may suffer from poor health as a consequence.
Daughters of narcissistic mothers may have a number of issues as a result of growing up in a narcissistic family. Perhaps these daughters feel completely unloved and unwanted by their own mother.
They also may blame themselves for the mother’s behaviour. This makes them feel inadequate, unworthy, and incompetent; many daughters of narcissistic mothers suffer from low self-esteem.
Daughters of narcissist mothers often feel excessive shame, a sense of guilt, and a deep sense of disappointment. These feelings can lead to depression and self-harming behaviours.
Daughters of narcissist mothers may cope with their narcissistic mothers in self-harming ways, such as over-eating, substance abuse, or self-harm. They may also try to seek attention from elsewhere, such as their siblings.
Daughters of narcissistic mothers may also suffer from poor physical health, as a result of feeling unloved and unwanted. They may suffer from obesity, and suffer from high cholesterol and diabetes.
Perhaps they turn to alcohol and cigarettes as a coping mechanism. They may even develop eating disorders, such as anorexia and bulimia.
10. You may display a narcissistic personality.
Some people may display a narcissistic personality. This means that they have an inflated sense of their own worth and feel entitled to special treatment. They may be excessively self-promoting and need constant admiration. They may be very selfish and expect others to do everything for them.
Common narcissistic traits of a mother with NPD
Narcissistic mothers often display a range of narcissistic traits, which can affect their children in a number of ways. These traits can include a lack of empathy, a lack of self-awareness, a need for control, and a lack of understanding of their children’s feelings.
Children of narcissistic mothers often experience a range of issues, from academic problems to behavioural problems. They may also struggle with confidence and self-esteem. In extreme cases, children of narcissistic mothers may develop Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD).
Final thoughts on daughters of narcissistic mothers
Daughters of narcissistic mothers often experience a range of problems. These problems can include emotional issues, sleep problems, eating problems, and more. If you are a daughter of a narcissistic mother, it is important to seek out help. There are many resources available to help you, and you should not feel alone. There are several things that you can do to help yourself if you are a daughter of a narcissistic mother. First, it is important to seek out counseling or therapy. This can help you to understand and cope with the challenges that you face. Second, it is important to build a support system. This can include friends, family, and professionals. These people can help you to cope with the challenges that you face. Finally, it is important to learn about narcissistic mothers and the effects that they can have on their daughters. This can help you to understand and cope with the challenges that you face.
Hi! I am Olivia, a relationship, manifest, and self-help writer. I believe that with the right tools and mindset, anyone can improve their relationships, manifest their desires, and find inner peace and fulfillment. My writing aims to provide practical tips and strategies for personal growth and happiness. Thank you for reading and I hope my words can make a positive impact in your life.